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Nice Stuff: FREE Curated Tools, guides and content for you and your team.

We are constantly creating new resources. Feel free to bookmark this page and explore our updates. Or you can subscribe like 30k other leaders and be the first to receive our new materials and content on creativity, innovation, leadership, and much more.


A free live learning experience with Hyper Island. These fun workshops will help you to develop your adaptability, creativity, rapport and foresight. Next Meta Session: October 17th - Rethinking Customers

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A free live learning experience with Hyper Island. These fun workshops will help you to develop your adaptability, creativity, rapport and foresight. Next Meta Session: October 17th - Rethinking Customers

Subscribe for the next Meta Session


The Hyper Island resource kit you can use to apply creative collaboration and unleash potential in your team or organization. Toolbox is a collection of methods and activities, based on Hyper Island’s core methodology and is focused on Learning-by-doing (or Experiential Learning), Reflection (or Reflective Practice), and workshop or group facilitation

Access the Toolbox

What meta skill do you want to develop?

Inclusive Innovation Resource kit

The Inclusive Innovation Resource Kit is a comprehensive collection of tools, examples, and resources designed to promote inclusive innovation. It serves as a guide for individuals and organizations seeking to develop a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by people with different accessibility needs and to foster empathy in the innovation process

Download the Resource Kit

Rapid Rapport Handbook

This handbook is designed to help you train this important meta skill. We start by helping you understand rapport and its importance for our personal and professional health. We then break the document into three chapters. Each chapter will bring some content and examples, but also give you three simple yet effective activities which can be undertaken individually and in teams to train the rapport muscle. At the end of the report, there is a summary and some simple everyday actions to take your rapport to the next level.

Download the Rapid Rapport Handbook

Future Scenario Cards

These Future Scenario Cards are a a fun downloadable PDF which has been designed to help you and your team explore 12 unique future scenarios with 4 creative tools. Together with a simple guide they can help your team drive innovation and strategy from a more creative, inclusive and future-proofed perspective. 

Download the Free Cards

Creativity Bootcamp

Looking for some new tools and activities to boost your creative powers? Perfect for you, your team, and your organization. Sign up for the 10-week challenge by email or Download the e-book

Sign up to the 10-week challenge

What's your Psychological Safety score?

Based on over 25 years of helping organizations and individuals create teams that reach their full potential, Hyper Island has developed a unique assessment relevant for all professionals. It's fun, simple, and easy to complete. Take it yourself and share it with your friends and colleagues. 

Take the quiz below and find out if you as a leader are fostering psychological safety through your daily behaviors:

Trends Tracker App

Hyper Island's collection and curation of the 2023 Trends Reports

Download the App

Trends Hack Playbook

Download our unique playbook with 11 simple actions that you can start to put into practice today for immediate impact.

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