Storytelling Lab – Hyper Island North America Skip to content


The Learning Lab for teams who seek help to structure thoughts, gain fluency and have more confidence when presenting, communicating and gaining space for your projects and ideas.


This lab will help your team structure your thoughts, gain fluency, and have more confidence when it comes to presenting, communicating, and gaining space for your projects and ideas.

The team will learn the processes behind narrative structuring, ways to highlight and reinforce their messages, and the importance of the central idea. They will develop their knowledge through real case studies, individual and group activities, with the support of our team throughout the process.

Flexible and dynamic, the Storytelling Lab can be tailored for 8-16 hours of live facilitated learning with lab kits, activities and real time support.

Before and after the training our unique AI assessment tools combine artificial intelligence and anthropological intelligence to assess your teams needs and inform the Lab content and activities. 


Understanding audiences

The importance of knowing, identifying, and establishing the necessary connections to engage the audience your storytelling is communicating with.

Key message

Activities to help you find the key message of the case that your team will develop during the lab, as well as examples of cases that deliver direct, concise, and high-impact messages.

How to do storytelling

How to structure your story or presentation so that it captures attention, maintains interest, and remains in your audience's memory for what matters most.

Surprise element

The ingredients that differentiate conventional stories from success stories. Cases with examples from the business world, entertainment, and the arts.


Imagination and Curiosity

Ability to think creatively and explore new ideas.


Ability to convey ideas effectively and listen actively.


Capability to combine diverse ideas and concepts into meaningful narratives.


Skill in persuading and guiding others toward a desired outcome.

Active Listening

Ability to fully concentrate, understand, respond, and remember what is being said.


We want to hear from you! Schedule a conversation with Gleisson and learn how Hyper Island can help your company or team.

Lab components


AI powered assessment tools allow us to tailor the Lab to your teams needs.

Live Sessions

Participants explore and discuss topics together, often with subject specialists.

Curated Lab Kits

Inspiring curated  and original content designed to expand thinking.


Activate learning by putting into practice in the real world.


Participants evidence and cement learning by completing a reflection on what they have learnt.

Professional Certificate

Recognised by industry experts all over the world.


Our methodology is founded on a learner-centered, experience-based approach. We create facilitated learning journeys, where discovering, uncovering, applying and reflecting is all part of the process by which participants learn useful skills and knowledge they can apply right away. In all our learning we always work with these fundamental tools.

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Labs that impact your most valuable resource

Stay ahead of the curve

Get the latest trends and perspectives from industry experts, and take part in developmental training directly connected to real cases and business challenges.

Exceptionally close ties between learning & working

Your team will put ideas into real-world practice using our progressive methodology of learning by doing, which supports direct implementation and action planning.

Develop internal talent and growth

Continuous learning will support and increase collaboration, wellbeing and clarity in process and prioritizing. This in turn, will support individual implementation of new ideas and ways of working to foster a growth mindset.

Realise immediate business benefits

With a strong focus on applicable skills and knowledge, our courses have been designed for the current and future needs of a complex world. .

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