Session 8: Future Leadership and Future Skills – Hyper Island North America Skip to content

Session 8: Future Leadership and Future Skills


November 21


12:30pm - 3pm


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Exploring the leadership qualities and future skills needed to navigate an uncertain, accelerated world.


Early Bird Price


What does it take to be a leader in the future? In this session, you’ll explore the leadership qualities and future skills required to navigate uncertainty, volatility, and rapid technological advancement. Using tools from Future Scenarios and Meta Skills frameworks, you will work through dynamic exercises designed to develop adaptive leadership, foresight, and resilience. This session is a must for leaders who want to future-proof their capabilities and guide their organizations through the challenges of tomorrow.

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About Hyper Island

In 2024, Hyper Island celebrates 28 years as a provider of education and facilitator of immersive learning experiences for individuals and companies alike. During this time, we have worked to help people develop and cultivate their skills to meet the challenges of an ever-changing society.


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