Meta Sessions – Hyper Island North America Skip to content

Meta Session Workshops

The Meta Sessions are highly interactive 90 minute workshops in which we introduce dynamic blocks of inspiring content before presenting a new Hyper Island tool to enable teams to learn by doing.  Experiment with your peers and subsequently reflect on how to apply the tools and the mindset to their own business challenges. 

Come play in the future

Subscribe for the next learning experience with Hyper Island. These fun workshops will help you to develop your adaptability, creativity, rapport and foresight. Next Meta Session: February 20th - Play in the Future

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It's a classic Hyper Island experience: in the end, it leaves you inspired and puzzled in the meantime.


I liked learning about the user archetypes. I fell like the Hyper method of quick brainstorming > prototyping and team work is really useful for innovation. Reframing problems and solutions.


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